rt360 Incident Management

Identify, record, and resolve organization-wide incidents swiftly

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Efficient Incident Management System to identify, record, and resolve organizational incidents

Modern-day organizations need a holistic view of incidents that pose financial, non-financial, and reputational threats. Such incidents may be spread across departments, stakeholders, and functions, so having a multi-layered outlook to the incident management process is important.

rt360 GRC Incident Management enables organizations to adopt an integrated and holistic approach to incident management, enabling them to manage key aspects like identification, capture, swift resolution, and loss and recovery data capture in real time. rt360 GRC Incident Management offers a centralized data management repository and incident management tools to collect comprehensive data on incidents and helps in predicting future incidents based on historical internal and external data.

Key Features





rt360 GRC Incident Management comes with an easy-to-use interface and the ability to capture multiple types of incidents.

Loss and recovery


Loss and recovery

rt360 GRC Incident Management enables you to capture losses incurred for incidents, including multiple losses for a single incident. Record multiple recovery modes, such as insurance, settlement, and so on. Record gross loss, recovery, net loss, and mode of recovery, at an incident level.




rt360 GRC Incident Management enables you to interface the loss incurred to ERP. Record the amount recovered. Map the amounts to the GL for accounting.

Near-miss and whistleblower events


Near-miss and whistleblower events

Capture near-miss events to ensure the adequacy of controls and avoid reoccurrence with rt360 GRC Incident Management. Handle whistleblower incidents in a sensitive and confidential manner. Configure workflows for whistleblower/ ombudsman incidents based on existing policies.

Tracking and resolution


Tracking and resolution

rt360 GRC Incident Management helps configure flexible workflows across the user hierarchy, considering factors like job rotation, wrongly mapped alerts, long leave and so on. Tag or flag incidents with multiple attributes. Suppress false alerts and facilitate bulk action/closure of alerts.

Notifications and reminders


Notifications and reminders

Send timely notifications to the concerned users with information and action needed through rt360 GRC Incident Management. Send customized alerts based on incident classification or necessary resolution. Send alerts and notifications through emails to multiple users, with additional SMS functionality.

Define and monitor


Define and monitor

Define and continuously monitor compliance obligations with associated timelines Incorporate organization’s compliance matrix, questionnaire, templates, and so on.

Internal and external assessments


Internal and external assessments

Compliance calendar detailing all compliance/policy assessment Options for the user to schedule assessments and track ongoing status

Audit and incident reporting capabilities


Audit and incident reporting capabilities

Audit trail with detailed tracking of activities including a timestamp Real-time customizable reports and feature-rich dashboards

Key Functionalities

ESG framework assessment

ESG framework assessment

Centralized management of ESG frameworks such as GRI, TCFD, SASB, WEF, UN SDGs
Auto-creation of standardized ESG reports
Mapping of frameworks to various attributes

ESG risk assessments

ESG risk assessments

Record and manage various ESG related risks
Perform risk assessments, record ratings, plan, and respond
Analyze and mitigate risks

ESG disclosures

ESG disclosures

Manage ESG disclosure requirements
Identify current state
Plan for the target state

ESG metrics monitoring and reporting

ESG metrics monitoring and reporting

Record the various ESG metrics required for disclosure
Define parameters to manage key ESG metrics
Monitor, report, and measure performance

ESG analytics and dashboards

ESG analytics and dashboards

Configurable reports and dashboards
Real-time insights on various ESG metrics
User customizable reports and dashboards

Integrated ESG management

Integrated ESG management

Ability to integrate ESG with other functions
Link ERM risk register with ESG risk registers
Integrate with in-house and third-party systems


Next-gen intuitive experience
An intuitive user interface designed for the modern user.
Holistic and integrated view of the incident lifecycle
Holistic and integrated view of the incident lifecycle
A comprehensive and unified perspective on each stage of the incident management process.
Visibility and transparency in the incident management process
Clear insights and open communication throughout the incident management process.
Predictive insights powered by advanced incident management tools and analytics
Forward-looking analysis using sophisticated data techniques to anticipate future issues.
Ability to identify root causes with adequate data
Effective pinpointing of underlying issues, thanks to thorough data analysis.
Enhanced operational performance
Improved cycle time, productivity, and internal efficiencies across the board.

Value Proposition

Business first, technology next approach

Business first, technology next approach

Industry-specific risk registers, controls

Industry-specific risk registers, controls

Compliant to global GRC frameworks

Compliant to global GRC frameworks

Flexible commercials and deployment models

Flexible commercials and deployment models


Business first, technology next approach


Business first, technology next approach


Industry-specific risk registers, controls


Industry-specific risk registers, controls


Compliant to global GRC frameworks


Compliant to global GRC frameworks


Flexible commercials and deployment models


Flexible commercials and deployment models


rt360 Governance, Risk & Compliance Suite

Ensure intelligent and integrated management of enterprise risks, with end-to-end, automated governance and compliance.

rt360 Enterprise Risk Management

Identify, assess, mitigate and monitor enterprise-wide risks arising out of operations and ensure compliance with leading regulatory frameworks.

rt360 Audit Management

Streamline, integrate and fortify audit management. Adopt a structured, integrated and proactive approach to audits to control costs and reduce risks.

rt360 Compliance Management

Automate the overall compliance process; identify, assess, and monitor adherence with leading regulatory frameworks.

rt360 Incident Management

Streamline organization-wide incident management to identify, record and resolve incidents with business-impact.

rt360 Policy Management

Streamline and automate your policy management lifecycle with a comprehensive automated system for policy management


rt360 Governance, Risk & Compliance Suite

Accelerate the process of identifying enterprise risks, and monitor and automate controls to gain a holistic and integrated view of governance and compliance.

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rt360 Enterprise Risk Management

Identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor enterprise risks effectively with advanced risk modeling, analytical and reporting capabilities, in compliance with COBIT and ISO guidelines.

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rt360 Audit Management

Put your organization on the fast track to audit compliance. Automate, streamline and align your organizational objectives with your overarching audit program.

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rt360 Compliance Management

Simplify and automate organization-wide compliance processes while constantly monitoring adherence to regulatory and policy requirements through a single pane of glass.

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rt360 Incident Management

Streamline organization-wide incident management to identify, record and resolve incidents with business-impact.

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rt360 Policy Management

Streamline and automate your policy management lifecycle to sharpen focus on your business objectives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

An Incident Management System is a critical component of the incident management process, designed to efficiently identify, record, and resolve incidents across various organizational levels. It plays a vital role in minimizing the impact of incidents that pose financial, reputational, or operational risks, ensuring continuous operation and effective mitigation of potential damages.
When evaluating incident management tools, essential features to consider include a user-friendly interface, flexibility in capturing a wide range of incidents, comprehensive data tracking, automated workflows, and robust notification systems. These features significantly enhance the incident management process by ensuring swift and appropriate handling of incidents across the organizational structure.
Relying on manual processes in your incident management tools can significantly slow your business’s response to incidents, increasing risks and costs. Manual incident management processes often lead to delays, oversights, and ineffective resolutions, which can adversely affect operational continuity and the organization’s reputation.
The extensive automation and integration capabilities of rt360 Incident Management are crucial in optimizing an organization’s incident management process. Automation accelerates response times and reduces human errors, while system integration ensures seamless data flow between different platforms, improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of incident management.
rt360 Incident Management stands out among contemporary incident management tools with features such as real-time loss and recovery data capture, predictive analytics based on historical data, and a centralized data management repository. These features enable a proactive and integrated approach to the incident management process, offering advanced capabilities not commonly found in other tools.
risk management suite
BCT Digital’s rt360 risk management product suite transforms the world’s leading enterprises, drawing on the strengths of next-generation technologies, sophisticated AI/ML models, data-driven algorithms, and predictive analytics. Its revolutionary Fintech, Regtech, and SustainTech solutions help enterprises optimize their core governance, risk, and compliance processes, enabling them to augment their positioning and go-to-market capabilities.

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